РИА “Архитектурные сезоны”
RIA “Architectural Seasons” are youtube channels: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkXgpDzrcfXoUNT0LmELcLg , in the Telegram: https://t.me/archiseasons and Vkontakte: https://vk.com/id160760938 which cover important architectural events in St. Petersburg, both on-line and on the record: conferences, seminars, round tables, and other public events. The work is aimed at popularization and information support in architecture and related fields. RIA “Architectural Seasons” channels in social networks introduce their audience to the searches and achievements of Russian and foreign architects, emphasizing the value of modern architecture as an art and creative process.
Editor Gulyaeva Elena Viktorovna archiseasons@gmail.com , M.T.89818778532.